Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bila Semua Akan Berakhir?

Dear Blog,

Kau la satu2nye tmpt luahan...aku amat tertekan dgn keadaan hidup aku ni....kenapa aku slalu diduga dgn keadaan yg sangat memedihkn n memilukn hati....

Mungkin dgn ketiadaan aku di dunia ni blh buat keadaan dunia ni jd lebih tenang n bahagia...myb aku ni hnya satu makhluk yg dicipta utk merosakkn hidup org....

How to be happy?? Sgt la aku xtau mcm mana nk buat....myb org slalu tgk aku gelak2 buat lawak bodo...tu smua utk menutup lara dlm hati....sikit pun aku xnk org msuk dlm kancah kekacauan jiwa ni...sbb no one knows how to cope with it....

I might not be the pious man on earth...but now I think God is punishing me with all my wrong dos in His giving me this kind of test...I don't think I can take it anymore....

I faaayyyyyydapppp with my life!!!! Seems like happy is no longer in my life's dictionary....

!!..Ṁ̭̥̈̅̄ṁ̭̥̈̅̄н☀('.._..')☀нṁ̭̥̈̅̄Ṁ̭̥̈̅̄ ..!!...

Dear God, pls stop me from doing anything wrong....
amin ya rabbal alamin....

The Stupid Man on Earth
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


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